Course Description

If we were to ask you what you most want, what would you say?

I want to find what my purpose is

I want to find meaning in life

I want healing

I want clarity and understanding

I want to know happiness and contentment

I want inner peace

I want an authentic and real experience of spirituality for myself

I want real tools I can use everyday to help me live a better life

(and I want it all in a way that lets me keep doing what I need to do and fits around my responsibilities to my family and work?)

It shouldn't be too much to ask should it? Yet how do you achieve it? Let's face it, the idea of going on a three month retreat sounds great - but you've actually got a life that still needs to be lived (and imagine the cost of that anyway!). But what if the teachers could come to you? And be available to teach you whenever it suited you? In your own time, at your own pace and you could stop it, pause it, replay it as often as you wished? All the while working the teachings into being a regular part of your day and in the process it becomes life changing?

Would you want it if you could have it?

If you just said



We're going to guide you, step-by-step, through 12 of the most life-changing guided meditations that will show you how powerful, how capable and how amazing you truly are.

Each chapter of The Soul Adventure includes:

    1. An audio recording of Amy and Michael talking you through the lesson
    2. A written pdf transcript of the lesson for you to download and read
    3. An audio recording of a guided meditation for you to experience 

Online courses are awesome

Being an online course means that:

    • You can do the lessons and meditations any time of day or night, so you can fit them in around your schedule, when it suits you
    • The lessons come to you. You can access them from where ever you are (all you need is internet connection)
    • You can retake the class and listen to the meditations as often as you want, so you keep learning and benefiting 

Meet Your Instructors

course creators, deliverers and guides

Amy and Michael Harrison

Between us we have more than 40 years experience exploring meditation and consciousness. We're all about spirituality being real and practical. We also believe spirituality is a personal experience and so we don't subscribe to any doctrine and we won't tell you how things are. We create space for you to experience spirit on your own terms, for you to create your own personal relationship and undertanding of your greater reality. We've been teaching meditation workshops for several years now and we've created this on-line course because people attending our workshops wanted to be able to continue doing our meditations at home and so needed to have recordings of them that they could play whenever they needed. We also have many clients whose lives and commitments make it impossible for them to attend regular classes and they too wanted a way to learn our meditations. So this course was born. We're so pleased to be able to offer it to you, so that you too can benefit from these meditations and teachings and through them we can help you on your healing and personal journey.

Course curriculum


5 star rating

Life Changing Course

Alana Hagate

Amy & Michael are an amazing couple who have gifted us this course, it is exactly that, a gift because I've never known peace like it! With each chapter ...

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Amy & Michael are an amazing couple who have gifted us this course, it is exactly that, a gift because I've never known peace like it! With each chapter I feel I grow up a little and learn a deeper part of myself! This course is a game changer because it's truly life changing!

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